“I have had a very difficult time for the last two years, and I don’t see another way out other than suicide.  Will you help me?”  – X

Over the past week or so, I’ve received numerous questions just like this one.  A few weeks back, I wrote a post about teen suicide and referenced my own past experience with suicidal thoughts (as a teenager).  Since then, I’ve received submission after submission to my column referencing suicide as the only option the person sees in their future.  I need to be very clear here … SUICIDE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!

Many of these submissions don’t ask a specific question and don’t include a name or date of birth, so I can’t successfully answer a question for them.  And, in most cases, the energy of the person is completely chaotic.  I cannot see anything for them.  Maybe it would be more clear if I had something to go on, but I feel there’s another reason for the chaos I see.

When person’s life is in such a state of chaos, a psychic may not be the best go to person.  For me, I don’t feel I have enough experience and definitely not the right training to work with someone under these circumstances.  In fact, most of those in my field will refer that person to a licensed therapist because of those reasons.  I would never forgive myself if I inadvertently said the wrong thing to a person having suicidal thoughts.  Also, it’s very difficult to see anything in chaotic energy.  I don’t want to disappoint a person into further depression by not fulfilling their hopes in “seeing” the right thing or even possibly failing to see the future at all because of the negative energy.  I’m not good with this sort of thing.  I’m good at seeing the future.  I’m good at seeing the light in situations – even those surrounded by what seems like darkness.  I have never seen a situation without hope, and I promise your situation is not without hope either.  However, if you are thinking of suicide, a step needs to be taken before I’m the best person to help you.

One of my recent posts talked about the differences between psychics and licensed therapists or counselors.  Counselors and therapists are best for long term struggles and especially those considering suicide.  If you are in such a dark place, having someone look into your future is not going to solve the underlying issue(s).  There is something major going on here that needs some serious attention.

I am not personally trained to counsel those in situations where they are considering suicide.  If you are having suicidal thoughts, please call 911 right now. If you are not within the U.S. please call your local emergency number.

Here are Suicide Hotlines for individual U.S. States:  http://www.suicide.org/suicide-hotlines.html

Here are International Suicide Hotlines:  http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html


From Suicide.Org

Suicide is NEVER the answer,
getting help is the answer.

If you are not in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide, but need someone to talk with about your suicidal feelings, please do not hesitate to call one of the following national suicide prevention lines:

Suicide Prevention Lines

1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

From Suicide.com

Read here Why you should live when you feel like dying.

As I’ve said before, SUICIDE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!  Suicide is a life unanswered … GET HELP NOW!  I am not a therapist who is authorized and licensed to work with those undergoing serious physical and emotional trauma.  What I can tell you in these types of situations is to get help.  Suicide will not solve anything.  Maybe that’s difficult to see right now.  Depression can create a very serious chemical imbalance that will make it nearly impossible to think clearly.  This isn’t something you should try to solve on your own.  Please, get help from a licensed professional, or call one of the hotlines listed above.

With my own experience, I can’t even express how much regret I would now have if I had given in.  If I had succeeded in ending my own life, I would not be here today.  My life now is so much better than I ever thought it could possibly be.  I was a child in a horrible situation.  I knew it would eventually end, when I was old enough to make things change, but years are a long time to a kid.  Years seemed like eternity to me at the time.  It might not take years for you to get your situation under control.  Things could get remarkably better with small changes, but you’ll never know until you contact someone who does know.

Maybe you are in an abusive relationship.  Maybe you can’t find a job.  Maybe you are in constant physical or emotional pain.  Whatever the case may be, I promise you there is another way out.  Please, Contact a Suicide Prevention Hotline now:

Suicide Prevention Lines

1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

Take a step back and think for a moment.  As long as you have life, there is always hope.  And, you are never alone.  We are always surrounded by our guardian angels and spirit guides.  Free will is ours, though.  They can’t help unless you ask.  Call on Archangel Michael for strength and the courage to live.  Ask Archangel Gabrielle to help you be gentle and understanding with yourself and your situation.  Call upon Archangel Uriel to shed light on the darkness.  There is hope.  Reach out and grab hold.  Ask for help.  Be open to help from Heaven and those here on Earth working as Heaven’s helpers.  Whatever you do, don’t give up!

Love and Peace,


1 reply
  1. Nada
    Nada says:

    Just read your advice to person(s) contemplating suicide ..good for you. I hope they read your reply and contact any of the places rather than just give up.To those who are thinking of suicide…. For all the sadness in this world there is also much happiness if a person can or will look for it. A simple thing as a flower growing in a tangle of weeds or watching a mamma duck lead her babies down a busy street while people halt traffic and wave her on are wonders and delights of life. Not being in their shoes so to speak I can not say that they are not having a tough time and from personal experience I know just how tough times can be but just reach out. I found when I began helping someone else my rough time became not so bad and their load got a little lighter too. Take that first hard step into life, look around and see the light shining upon the world then follow it to the rainbow, it’s there you just have to believe in it. Take care 🙂


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