The practice of yoga is something that I have recommended to clients for as long as I can remember as it is both a mediation and an exercise.  If you think you “don’t have time” to meditate or exercise, then yoga is perfect for you.  Yoga is a meditative exercise, so it’s a way to multitask and save time.  😉

Seriously, though, yoga always has this wonderful ability to help me get connected to myself – physically, mentally and spiritually.  I love it! 

There are some people out there who say that yoga is too easy of an exercise, and that’s okay.  Although, I have experienced some yoga routines where even the hard core will break a good sweat.  Raye Angel Card Extended Description - Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

With this card, your guides and Angels may be suggesting yoga (or something like it … walking maybe) that combines a physical movement with a meditative state of mind.  For some, that might be chopping wood or mowing the lawn.  Obviously, you do want to be careful around sharp objects while meditating, so those options might not give everyone the peaceful state of mind we are going for here.  

When we combine physical activity with a meditative mindset, this better enables our souls to manifest things into physical form; it helps our physical bodies to connect with our mental and spiritual bodies.

As you can see from the meditating woman in the image, her practice of meditation is connecting her with her Divine/Angelic self as well as the higher Light dimensions of energy.  The purple of the card is the color of the third eye chakra, and the golden energy is one of the Divine. You can also see how the energy connects with both her third eye and crown.

Archangel Uriel’s energy also comes through with this card which is no surprise as Uriel has a golden aura and is also known as the “Light of God”.  Archangel Uriel is sometimes referred to as the “big brother” Angel because he is so easy to talk to.  He is also known as the “psychologist angel” because he sheds love, light and clarity on any issue you ask him for help with.  He can also act in a spiritual mediator type of role, helping people connect more heart to heart with love and respect over ego and anger, which may in fact be represented here by the green of the heart chakra.

I hope my thoughts will help you to connect more deeply with this card.

Angel Blessings,

Rev. Sheri
Founder, Angel Messenger

This card is from the “Messages from Your Angels” Oracle Card Deck by Doreen Virtue.

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