An Exclusive Guide to Finding

and Using The Perfect Mantra

from our Angel Messenger Creative Team

When you think about mantras, what comes to mind? Maybe you imagine a yogi, who sits cross-legged, and chants “Om” on repeat.

That’s because mantras are words – either in Sanskrit or our own language – that we repeat during meditation, right? Well, yes and no. There’s so much more to “Om” than meets the eye (or ear!).

What Does Mantra Mean?

The most basic definition of mantra is “sound”. Some teach that the Sanskrit word, “mantra” can be broken up into two parts. “Man”, meaning “to think”, and “tra”, meaning “tool”. Other teachers define “tra” as a “vehicle” or “transport”.

So, a mantra is a sound that serves as a thinking tool to transport and bring us somewhere.

How can a simple sound do so much, especially if it’s a word from a foreign language? All mantras were originally in Sanskrit, and it’s safe to say that none of us are fluent in Sanskrit these days!

Mantras Are Drawn from The Vibrations of All Existence

Spiritual teacher and writer, Sadhguru, places mantras in the context of sound and vibrations. All of life reverberates with energy and all these vibrations create subtle sounds. What’s more, existence itself is a combination of multiple mantras, and ancient teachers identified some of them.

These age-old mantras are still in use today, and you, too, can tap into their powerful benefits.

Sound is Very Important in Mantras

We all know how hard it can be to quiet our monkey mind during meditation. It wants to bounce all over the place, doesn’t it? And you probably think that chanting Sanskrit mantras won’t help much.

But there’s good news for you!

It’s true that Sanskrit words mean something. But meaning isn’t what makes these Sanskrit mantras powerful.

It’s how they sound that matters most.

The sound of ever Sanskrit syllable is connected to a form. So, when you chant a Sanskrit syllable, word or mantra, you’re actually creating a form – a form that’s also represented in the universe.

Mantras are not just random sounds strung together. They’re groups of sounds that create a specific energetic vibration.

They help you raise your own vibration, and this positively affects your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

The Different Types of Mantras

Originally, mantras were made up of Sanskrit sounds, words, phrases or verses.

Now, people can choose words or texts from their own language to create a mantra. In this contemporary approach, the mantra carries personal significance, and what the words mean is more important than how they sound.

Within the Sanskrit tradition, how the mantra sounds is more important than what it means.

For example, “Om” is a single-syllable mantra. It signifies the Divine and has a frequency of 432 Hz – that’s a vibrational frequency that can be found in all of nature!

Mantras can also be made up of the sounds we associate with each of the seven chakras, like, “vam”, for the Sacral Chakra. This has a vibrational frequency of 417 Hz and can be detected in bodies of water, like the ocean.

Otherwise, there are longer mantras, such as a phrase, or long verses from sacred texts.

How Can You Choose Your Mantra?

Choosing a mantra can seem like a daunting task. There are so many to choose from!

It was a bit easier back in ancient times when teachers and gurus passed mantras down to their students. This tradition is still carried on today. But if you don’t have a spiritual teacher, what can you do?

First, you can decide if you want to use a Sanskrit mantra, or if you want to create one using your native language.

How to Create a Personalized Mantra

If you want to create your own mantra, dig deep and try to understand what you’d like to get out of your mantra practice. What do you want to create, let go of, or manifest in your life?

Try to be clear on your intention, and then, select word(s) that help you focus on that intention. You can focus on virtues and attributes like love, positivity, patience, peace, health, forgiveness, acceptance, etc. Or, you can create a short phrase that sums up your intention.

How to Choose an Ancient, Sanskrit Mantra

You can select your mantra in one of two ways. Your choice can be based on the meaning of the mantra, or the sound of the mantra.

Some mantras remove obstacles or focus on wholeness. Others speak of enlightenment or the Divine Presence. If the meaning of a mantra appeals to you, you can do your own research to find a mantra whose meaning resonates with you.

Otherwise, you can find the perfect mantra by simply listening to different chants, without understanding their meaning, to see which one attracts you and draws you in.

The powerful benefits lie in the sounds you create by reciting them. These sounds create vibrations that can positively impact your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. So, when you listen to different mantras, some can really stand out to you.

That’s because instead of choosing a mantra, the mantra chooses you. The one that is most attractive to you can serve a special purpose in your life and your life situation.

When and How to Use Your Mantra

Once you’ve chosen your mantra, you can recite it in many different ways. There’s no right or wrong way. It all depends on you.

  • Meditation: If you’ve created your own mantra, you can focus on it during meditation. Otherwise, you can recite your Sanskrit mantra without focusing on the meaning. Just allow the sounds to help you enter a higher level of awarenes
  • Yoga: You can choose a mantra at the beginning of your yoga practice and continue to recite it to yourself as you move through the various postures. You practice the asanas (poses) for your body while reciting the mantras for your mind.
  • On-the-Go: If you’re super busy and can’t commit to a consistent yoga or meditation practice, don’t worry. You probably spend time commuting and cooking each day. During these times, listen to a recording of your mantra and allow it to create an ambient for you. It can calm your mind and body and promote spiritual awakening, even if you’re driving home from work.

No matter how you choose to incorporate your mantra into your daily life, you can recite it 108 times, a sacred number in yoga and Hinduism. It signifies many things including the 108 pithas, 108 marma points, the wholeness of existence, as well as the connection between the earth, moon, and sun.

Mala beads can help you keep track if you’re reciting your mantra on your own. Otherwise, you can listen to recordings that repeat your mantra 108 times.

This brief introduction is only the beginning of the rich and beautiful world of mantras. Are you ready to try for yourself?

Much Love & Angel Blessings,

Angel Messenger

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