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How Colors Can Bring Answers and Awareness

You are not alone, as you go into fall look closely at all the colors and signs around you and connect to the energy that is reaching out to you to support you on your path. Fall will be a time of AMAZING signs for all who choose to see them.
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Regaining Balance - Giving and Receiving

Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. I’m sure we can all agree that this balance between inhales and exhales is absolutely necessary for our survival. Now I want you to imagine your typical day and every time you give to or help someone else, you are exhaling and every time you allow yourself to receive in any way, you are inhaling. Ok, be honest - how many of you would still be capable of continuing to read this post, and how many of you would be passed out (or worse!) because you can’t remember the last time you were on the receiving end of anything? If you’re like the majority of my clients, you would definitely fall into the latter category.
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Angelic Astrology – September 2014

Angelic Astrology – September 2014 By Rev. Colleen Lemma The energies are picking up speed now as we move into September! The faster moving planets are changing signs many times throughout the month, indicating that events are transpiring…
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Angelic Astrology – August 2014

  Angelic Astrology – August 2014 By Rev. Colleen Lemma Well, here we are in August 2014 already…….doesn’t the year seem to be going by fast? Last month, July, was full of many energetic and astrological happenings with planets…
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Angelic Astrology – July 2014

Angelic Astrology – July 2014 By Rev. Colleen Lemma This is going to be the month of CHANGE and FREEDOM! There are many planets that are either changing direction or moving into new signs this month, bringing a fresh, new energy to circumstances…
Yosemite Falls
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Waterfall (Distance) Healing

Lisa called to ask if I’d pray for a mutual acquaintance of ours. She was busy summoning up a prayer line for a girl named Johanna, who I knew only from social gatherings. I’d seen her at volleyball games and pot lucks, but we’d never…
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Harmonizing Hardships in 5 Steps

What is the purpose of the challenges and hardships that we go through? We learn a great deal about ourselves when we are faced with challenges. We are incredibly flexible and resilient. We get pushed and pulled into situations in our life, things get twisted and turned up-side down, yet we all have the amazing ability to bounce back.
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Angelic Astrology – June 2014

Angelic Astrology – June 2014 By Rev. Colleen Lemma We start the month off with Mars, planet of action and forward movement, finally moving to the 10th degree of Libra………..one degree further than where it stationed direct at 9 degrees…
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Angelic Astrology – May 2014

Angelic Astrology – May 2014 By Rev. Colleen Lemma   Well, we have made it through last month with all the Eclipses and Cardinal Cross energy……how did everyone do? It was certainly an intense month, but the changes will continue.…
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Free Your Life

We had worked with many different people that afternoon, and on the ride home from the conference I was developing a headache; something that never occurs with me. I could feel the pressure building, and building. My friend driving said, "Cut your cords!"
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Angelic Astrology - April 2014

Angelic Astrology – April 2014 By Rev. Colleen Lemma   April 2014 is going to be an exciting month filled with powerful transformative energies for the planet and humanity! Get ready for changes, redirections, and maybe a few surprises,…
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Heart Chakra Meditation For Attracting Love

When you reach your desired meditation space and can feel love energy, send out your prayer wrapped in the feeling of what you desire. I like to send it out in a bubble of energy that floats into the sky; and then Let Go, Let God. Surrender to the unknown of When, How, Who, o What . . . and trust you have been heard, that it unfolds when the time is right, and for the highest good of all. A prayer made in the energy of Love is positive and connected to the Angels.