“Christmas is normally that best/worst time of the year for me. Best time of year because I love what season do for people and community and what it’s represent. However it always the worst time too. I have always struggle with having lack of support system. I do have family, however I always have to be strong one. I do have friends, but none whom I lean on for support when I am struggling. I have bottled these emotion inside most of my life. I really crave a for a like best friend whom just there listen and do judge you and give you love and encouragement. I do have friends.. but not best friends whom I can bare my soul. I wondering if I meant do go through life alone without a strong support system other than fact I know we have angels there watching over us.”

No one is ever meant to go through life alone. It can be difficult always being the strong one, but that is usually how it is for older souls. I’ve had some issues with this myself, but I had to realize something about myself before things began to get better. My soul naturally wants to help people – the eternal mother – I never want to see those I love hurting or going through a hardship, especially when I know I have the power to help them avoid it. When I first started doing readings, my desire to “fix” seemed to get worse. It took me a while, but I soon realized that it wasn’t my job to be the strong one all the time, and I didn’t need to make everything okay all the time. In fact, I needed to let others take the lead more. They didn’t like it at first. They felt I was abandoning them. They had always looked to me for advice before. However, it wasn’t my job to live their lives for them. I realized that I was impeding their spiritual growth with all my “help”. It is difficult for an old soul to sit and watch others struggle, but sometimes the struggle is what brings the greatest growth and the greatest reward.

You are strong, I can see that, but maybe you don’t have to be quite so strong all the time. It’s okay to show weakness now and then. It’s okay to be vulnerable to others. Maybe this will help others see that love and support is supposed to be a give and take. You can’t just give all the time. It’s not healthy. You can lose all your steam and get burnt out. You can even become resentful of those you love most.

Maybe it’s time to let up on the reigns for a while, and let someone else be strong. They might not be as experienced as you, but they’ll never learn if you don’t persuade them to try.

Angel Blessings,


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