A guest post from one of our website visitors …

The knight in shining armour Months had passed since my arrival in Madrid. The extremely dry hot summer days in town were over and going out for a walk was enjoyable again. Not being able to work due to a lack of working permits, I had not much to do back then other than going out with friends and my boyfriend, alternately suffering and appreciating some moments of solitude.

Behind my apartment there was a very narrow street where hardly anyone passed by, and it had an interesting store filled with all sorts of new age articles, most of them angels. I was drawn to the sign: “Free Meditation. Wednesdays, 8 pm.” It was a warm evening in early September. The sun fell obliquely in the alley. I was completely absorbed watching all sort of things at the window shop.

Suddenly I felt someone coming directly towards me and that I would be reached in just a few steps. I cannot explain why I knew I was trapped. A shudder crept through me. How I did not realize that someone was coming! Dark red hair, pale skin, mouth agape, eyes hollow… His back was bent to shoulder height (which took away height but was still very tall), walking heavily but at high speed. It was the strangest man I’d ever seen. But my fear didn’t come out of his physical features: Overwhelming energy preceded him. The kind of vibe of someone who has been involved in terrible deeds, and I somehow sensed this.

That´s why I cringed when I realized, late, that he was coming straight towards me on the side walk where there was no one but the two of us. And yes, he was looking directly at me with that “off” look some people have, no clue as what type of movie it´s in their mind. Nothing to do. I was frozen, expecting the imminent. Escaping was futile.

Knight's swordThen I heard a voice saying “Don’t move”. So I looked sideways at a very tall man, dressed in bright white, who came out of nowhere and stood behind me and covered me with his body by spreading his legs and resting his hands on the window of the shop. I looked up and through the reflection of the glass I saw that the first man passed just behind me, turning curiously toward the shop without slowing his pace. Once he was a few steps ahead I turned around and looked at him mesmerized. The “knight in shining armour“, how I called the man who was covering my back (literally), spoke again: “Don’t stare at him.” So I turned my gaze away, thanking my lucky stars. And then this friendly spirit wasn’t there any more.

Many years have passed. An angelic presence was the one who helped me, of that I’m sure. Recently I’ve been reading more about angels and, as for the description people who channel them give of Archangel Michael–tall, strong, light colour of hair–, I wonder if that “knight in shining armour” was actually Michael himself.

– Ms. Pili Torre

I live in Mexico City, I´m single, no kids, and I used to be an actress, but I´m going through a career change, because I´m feeling drawn to healing and alternative therapies – but I´m just at the initial stages of this “journey”. I love animals and Nature.  I’m just someone who has had many strange experiences like the one I have submitted. Years ago I had no one to tell about them without fearing they would think I’m nuts. Now it seems more and more people are “coming out” with their own stories. I wrote a series of short stories about the experiences I’ve had both with angelic presences and people who have died – I found writing was the only way to get them out in the open. The story I submitted is one of them, I wanted to share it.

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