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The angels say it is a self-loving act we gift upon ourselves when we tend to the needs of our mind and body. When we are rejuvenated, we have more energy to exert, we perform better in our work, and our focus and attention is more clear. Give yourself a wonderful gift of relaxation, rejuvenation, and loving self-care today.

Angel Chakra Video for February 2015

February's reading highlights Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy Oracle cards.  The cards are placed in random order, that way your reading becomes more personalized by using your intuition. These Angel Chakra videos are posted once a month when…
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When this card appears, it is a message of 'birthing the new'. The image on this card shows an angel wrapping its wings upon a pregnant woman, guiding and protecting her. Although this card may indicate a pregnancy, it also has another meaning of giving life to a new idea, project, or situation.
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Mother Healing

Be open to the messages and signs that will come from releasing. The heavens are supporting you through this process. As I write this for you I can feel Mother Mary around me to help. Call on Mother Mary to help guide you on this path, be open to her love and support to surround and help you. Congratulations on receiving this card as you are be surrounded with love, guidance, and the chance to move forward.
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For those who already do write, this message is saying you have even more work and teachings that are to be shared with the world. Your words are inspiring and healing to those you touch through your written work. You have much to share with the world through your writing, and the angels are asking you to start now.
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The Angel of Peace reminds us that all we need to do to instantly bring forth peace is to change our thoughts. If you were watching a dramatic television show, and became overwhelmed with the intensity of the plot, you can simply change the channel. You have the power inside of yourselves to turn the 'channel' of fear to love that can help move into a calmer and gentler energy.
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Self Employment

To find yourself in a job you adore, something that feeds your energy and has you smiling, rather than drains you – this is the ultimate outcome of the Entrepreneur Angel Card.

Angel Chakra Video for January 2015

January's reading highlight's the Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. The cards and gemstones are placed in random order, that way your reading becomes more personalized by using your intuition.
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Self Forgiveness

[Self-Forgiveness] We are human beings and born to make mistakes. Your angels are asking you to release any feelings of guilt or shame that is weighing heavy in your heart. God and the angels see everyone as a perfect reflection of Divine love and will forever love you unconditionally.

Angel Chakra Reading for December 2014

These Angel Chakra videos are posted once a month when the moon cycle is in its waning phase.  I chose to post the Angel Chakra Readings near the waning moon cycle to help release energy that may be stuck, blocked, or stagnant.  The waning…
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Trust the Process

Often times, we question if we are on the right path.  If our life doesn't look like the way we imagined, it can be easy to doubt the current path we are on. God and the angels ask us to trust the process, even though it may not look exactly as we…

October Angel Chakra Reading

I am excited to share a brand new monthly Angel Chakra video reading with you. These readings are going to be released during the lunar moon cycle each month- as this is a great time for personal releasing.