Today, my husband and I worked on putting up some Christmas lights outside.  It’s amazing to me what a workout that can be, and I wasn’t even the one on the ladder!  I’m not talking about a physical workout – I mean a mental workout.  Icicle lights almost got the best of me today.  I’m not proud of it, but those lights know exactly what I think of them, and now they are sitting atop my gutters all sparkly and pretty.  One would never know I threatened stuffing them down my garbage disposal!  😉

Really, it wasn’t that bad.  I love sparkly lights!  I bought a cheap garland and added some dollar store decorations that make my little project look even nicer than the expensive already decorated garland I ogled a few days ago at Home Depot.  I still have my tree to put up and my manger scene and a few other decorations, but my home is starting to look quite festive.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family as well.  It was fitting to have the holiday of giving thanks at our new home – the heart of our gratitude this year.  We finally had the space to have a holiday dinner, and having it at our house gave my father-in-law a break.  I think he may just be the most wonderful and generous man to ever live, so being able to host the holiday for him was a very big deal to me.

I hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday as well.  I know some of my out of country friends don’t really know what Thanksgiving is all about, so I’ll tell you.  Basically, Thanksgiving dinner is meant to honor some of our earliest days in this country.  When pilgrims left England and landed in the new country, they were not prepared and didn’t know how to survive here.  The Native American tribes taught them survival skills like fishing and planting corn.  That first November, they had a feast to celebrate and show their gratitude to the natives whom they would not have survived without.  A day to celebrate survival and gratitude is a beautiful thing!

Happy Holidays and Angel Blessings,


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