Even after all these years of working with Angels and Loved Ones in Heaven, I find that I’m often surprised when one of my own loved ones sends me a message. I know it happens and frequently discover messages left for others, and I often receive Angelic guidance very clearly. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am less emotionally subjective with Angelic guidance that it is easier to receive, and that’s why I’m more used to it and it happens more often.

As I said in the Bittersweet Birthday post I recently shared, my birthday is usually a bit difficult for me, and this year was the most difficult in a long time. In my heart, I knew that I probably sensed Grandpa around me and that knowing he was near was making me miss him more – bringing out my sadness for his loss and the physical result of spontaneously bursting into tears with the memories. I know that sensing our loved ones near us brings on those sudden memories and emotions, but there was nothing for me to physically prove he was here. It may surprise you to know that I am also a healthy skeptic. 😉

I had no physical evidence … until I received a birthday card in the mail from Grandma. Now, just receiving a birthday card from Grandma at all was quite surprising. I absolutely adore my grandma, but she’s having some memory challenges. Last year, my husband received a birthday card from Grandma on my birthday. (His birthday is actually in February.)

Grandpa's Birthday Message - You're a Gift from GodSo, it was pretty amazing that I received a card for me and on my birthday. But, the card itself was what shocked me into calling out to my husband.

“Bill, you have got to see this!”

When I showed him the front of the card, his jaw dropped open. You see, something that Grandma does not know is that there is something very specific that Grandpa sends me as a message that he is with me … daisies. Not only was there a daisy on the front of the card, but the message was a direct response to the words from him in my blog post from the other day …

“Today is always a bittersweet day for me … it’s my birthday, and it also used to be my grandpa’s birthday. Grandpa passed 11 years ago just about a week before our shared birthday. I’m sure you know how people say time heals all wounds, but I miss him so badly this year.

All I can think about is how much he loved me. Grandpa was more like a father than a grandfather and would often tell me that I was the best birthday present he’d ever received. Even now as I write this, the tears are streaming down my face. You see, I tend to receive personal guidance when I write. So in the words I have just typed, Grandpa is reminding me how much he loves me still.”

The message on the front of my birthday card reads, “You’re a Gift from God”. As I write this now, the birthday card that I have no doubt is truly from my grandpa sits on my desk – just to the right of my computer screen. This card is one of the best birthday presents I’ve ever received. Getting a physical message from a Loved One in Heaven on your birthday is an incredible gift – at least I think so!

I hope you have enjoyed my story and will be more open to the messages that your loved ones send to you. Please feel free to leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

Angel Blessings,

Rev. Sheri
Founder, Angel Messenger

P.S. Love you, Grandpa! <3

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