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A Dedication to the Earth Mother

These coloring pages are a celebration of the beauty of Earth and explore Indigenous perspectives from a Manitoba artist. We at Angel Messenger dedicate these works of art to Gaia, our Earth Mother.
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Mystical Shaman Oracle (Recommended Deck)

It has been a very long time since I have recommended an oracle card deck other than the ones we use in our free online angel card readings. However, I have discovered one that deserves recognition. The authors describe the cards as Sacred Symbols, and you'll recognize them as such as they have been on cave drawings since the dawn of time.
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The Art of Loving Yourself (The Guide for Living the Best Time of Your Life)

You cannot go through life being unhappy. If you are not truly happy, there is not any amount of money in the world that will help you. True success is following your passion, which can also result in happiness and fortune. Learn how you can follow your passion, no matter what it is and how to be truly successful and happy.