Heidi is a published author and wonderful Angel card reader who has trained with numerous spiritual teachers from all over the world – including Doreen Virtue and the Boulder Psychic Institute. She was one of our original Tested and Trusted Angel Messenger Practitioners and has been a contributing author here at Angel Messenger.

-> Watch Heidi’s Free Mile High Meditation Video Series!

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The Angel of Peace reminds us that all we need to do to instantly bring forth peace is to change our thoughts. If you were watching a dramatic television show, and became overwhelmed with the intensity of the plot, you can simply change the channel. You have the power inside of yourselves to turn the 'channel' of fear to love that can help move into a calmer and gentler energy.

Angel Chakra Video for January 2015

January's reading highlight's the Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. The cards and gemstones are placed in random order, that way your reading becomes more personalized by using your intuition.
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Self Forgiveness

[Self-Forgiveness] We are human beings and born to make mistakes. Your angels are asking you to release any feelings of guilt or shame that is weighing heavy in your heart. God and the angels see everyone as a perfect reflection of Divine love and will forever love you unconditionally.

Angel Chakra Reading for December 2014

These Angel Chakra videos are posted once a month when the moon cycle is in its waning phase.  I chose to post the Angel Chakra Readings near the waning moon cycle to help release energy that may be stuck, blocked, or stagnant.  The waning…
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Trust the Process

Often times, we question if we are on the right path.  If our life doesn't look like the way we imagined, it can be easy to doubt the current path we are on. God and the angels ask us to trust the process, even though it may not look exactly as we…

November Angel Chakra Reading

  These readings are going to be released during the lunar moon cycle each month, as this is a great time for personal releasing. We all have chakras- there are 7 main chakras that I tune into when reading energy: Root, Sacral, Solar…

October Angel Chakra Reading

I am excited to share a brand new monthly Angel Chakra video reading with you. These readings are going to be released during the lunar moon cycle each month- as this is a great time for personal releasing.

NEW! Angel Chakra Reading

I am excited to announce that I will be starting a new monthly angel chakra video reading on Angel Messenger. Each month, during the lunar moon cycle, an angel chakra video reading will be available. Rev. Sheri and I felt the waning moon cycle is a good time to release the things that are no longer needed and the angel chakra readings will help to release old energy.
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Mile High Boulder Meditation

I was inspired to focus this meditation on releasing blocks that may be preventing you from moving forward. This is the last video that will be posted in the summer series of Mile High Meditations. Thank you so much for joining me this summ…
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Healing Heart

What a beautiful message the angels have for you.  They are saying 'Great job!'  'You are an amazing healer!'  You heal with the power of your love and your open heart.  When we connect to others, and offer our heart-centered love,…
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Mile High Cloud Meditation

I often feel an amazing angelic connection when looking at clouds and wanted focus this meditation on connecting with our angels. Notice how the sun lights up the rocks when the angels are called in!!
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Make a Decision

This is a good reminder that tells us we do hold the answers inside of ourselves.  We all have an amazing gift that we can access any time - it's our intuition!  Most often, it's fear that prevents us from making a decision, and fear…