When this card appears, often times it’s guiding you to release or remove things in your life that are no longer needed or necessary for your highest good.  When we eliminate items that are no longer useful to us, or just taking up space in our closets, we are energetically telling the universe we are making room for something new to enter in our lives.

I know transformation and change is about to take place when I feel guided to clean out my closets or donate unused items or furniture.  It’s the universe’s way of saying we to need to release the old and make room for the new.

Take inventory of your personal items that you haven’t used in a long time.  Is there something you feel ready to release?  Also take inventory of where you spend your time.  Are you feeling guided to shift your energy in areas of your life to make room for positive change?

Simplifying your life will help you release old, worn out energy that is no longer needed and in return, you will have more space, more time, and more energy.

Angel Blessings ~


This card is from the “Magical Mermaids & Dolphins” Oracle Card Deck by Doreen Virtue.

“The Magical Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle Cards are specifically geared to help you manifest your desires, life purpose, and Divinely inspired dreams. These cards can help you swim into the ocean of your unconscious mind, where profound thoughts and feelings can create – or block – your heart’s desire. Your manifestations will appear more quickly and accurately once you discover your true, deep beliefs. I’ve also infused these cards with blessings, to support you in manifesting your beautiful, joyful life and Divine mission.” – Doreen Virtue, Instructions for Working with the Magical Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle Cards.

Though Doreen no longer believes in her work, we do believe in the work we have created here and hope you will find it helpful. If you enjoy our Free Online Angel Card Readings, please consider making a donation. May you be blessed.

About Heidi

Heidi is a published author and wonderful Angel card reader who has trained with numerous spiritual teachers from all over the world - including Doreen Virtue and the Boulder Psychic Institute. She was one of our original Tested and Trusted Angel Messenger Practitioners and has been a contributing author here at Angel Messenger.

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