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A message from Shamballa

We are your sisters and brothers from underneath the Earth. We salute you and congratulate you for all the wonderful work and commitment that you are achieving at the present moment. We are so happy to welcome you into our world, to be able to greet you all once again! Know that we have never stopped loving you and believing in you dear Souls. We are delighted to commune with you more and more as you slowly (but surely) awaken from the veils of separation and forgetfulness, those veils that you courageously accepted to embrace for a time.

We have always been at your side and assisting you in your spiritual endeavors to elevate your vibration and conscience to higher levels of being and understanding.

Many times, you were more or less conscious of our presence, but know that we were always at your side, accomplishing the mandates to help you and guide you as you had requested before coming into this incarnation, but also each time that you requested help from above. This is an interesting irony here, since we dwell below your physical existence in the inner circles of the Earth. Nonetheless, we vibrate at a higher frequency, so we think it is correct to say that we intervene as helpers from above! [laughs]

We love to use humor. This, in fact, is very common among us since we dwell in a state of permanent joy and love; one that you are also integrating gradually into your lives through the perspective of living in your hearts, which is the next/present circle of life and learning for humans on Earth. You access oneness through your hearts; the portal of your Soul and connectedness with the All That Is.

Soon, you will be able to connect physically and see us through your physical eyes as you raise your personal and collective frequencies. Take heart dear Souls, this will happen soon. At first, it will be on an individual basis, but as more Souls awaken, it will become a global experience, one that will seem most natural to all of you!

We wish to speak to you today about two related topics of importance right now. The first one concerns your DNA.

Do not worry about the process of ascension that occurs through your DNA transformation, all you need to do is to go with the flow and avoid beating yourselves up when resistance or strange feelings seem to arise: it is normal and part of the process. As you made the choice to awaken and to consciously “work” on raising your vibration (i.e. focusing on Love, positive thinking, acceptance, compassion and forgiveness), the process from opening and connecting your 12-strand DNA will unfold naturally. It is already happening for all of you who read this. You know this, because you all have these new physical sensations, as if you were being gently charged with divine electricity.

As you DNA transform and open up, so do your 12 chakras and endocrine system. The process of “cleaning-up” from this and other past lives is still under way. All of this occurs in perfect synchronicity. The Divine Director is operating in accordance with your Higher Selves in perfect harmony, just like a musical orchestra. All of the instruments (the bodies) are being tuned first; then each musician plays in accordance to his/her musical score (Soul blueprint), keeping both an eye on the score and the director for cues and guidance as to how to breathe it all harmoniously and effectively.

As always, the more each one of the musicians plays with their hearts, the more powerful and moving the musical experience will be, both for the other musicians (all of you) but for the audience (All That Is) as well!

You are all divine musicians playing the divine symphony of Life on Earth. Yes, to become virtuosos takes time and practice, but please know that you are all far better than you think. It is just a matter of remembering. You are already virtuosos, whether you are conscious of it or not. If you think of someone who has suffered from amnesia, does that mean that she/he has lost all of her/his skills? Does it mean that what she/he is capable of is lost forever? Of course not! It is only a matter of remembering, which is exactly what you are going through at the moment. You are all highly skilled and wise Souls who know exactly what to do, or how to play we shall say! You are the perfect virtuosos in this earthly orchestra, playing the perfect harmonics of your Souls. Trust in the process (rhythm and pace) of remembering and coming alive anew.

Now, we would like to entertain you with the second topic of our communication with you today.

We see that you often compare yourselves with others, especially with the masters who have ascended in previous times on Earth. You seem to think that you are going too slowly, or that you are late in your own process of awakening. But dear Souls that you are, don’t you remember? You are no better or less than all of the ones you call masters, guides, and angels that you look up to for advice and guidance. You are the wisest among the wise, the strongest of the strong. That is why you are here in this physical plane at this time of transition. You chose to come here in these physical bodies because you knew that you would arise from the ashes of forgetfulness and shine through remembering your divine essence.

You chose to be the way-showers, because you are among the boldest and most courageous of all. There are no mistakes. Every Being is exactly where he/she is supposed to be in helping to raise the circle of life experience to the next one. Every mission, even the one that seems insignificant and small, is most important and essential. Do you think that you Divine Creator would have screwed up? Of course not! [laughs]

Remember this now and every time that you start beating yourselves up again regarding your “progress”. Remember why you incarnated in this time on Earth as you are. Remember how you chose to become masters of the matrix of duality and separation so that you would then incarnate with all of your Being the living example that it is possible to awaken for all of your sisters and brothers who are still “cut up” and need your guidance.

Remember, you are the way-showers, the pioneers who took the bet of ascending no matter what would occur to you in this lifetime and the past ones. Yes, you are playing your part in the awakening plan to the perfection. Know that you would not be anywhere else than where you are now. This is what your Souls are committed to, and we are eternally grateful for all that you accomplish.

Until next time,

Your brothers and sisters from Shamballa (channeled through Isabelle)

IsabelleDancingIsabelle has always been passionate about helping others with integrity and in a selfless manner. For some time now, her dream about taking care of others has been reawakened through her own transformative journey, where she has been introduced to yoga, meditation and healing energy. It is through the latter that Isabelle discovered she possesses a gift which she wishes to share with whoever crosses her path. According to her, every encounter on a Soul level reveals a unique landscape filled with beauty and wisdom, allowing the mystery that resides within each one of us to emerge and shine. More at www.thepoetryofyoursoul.com.

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