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Back Seat Driver

The story you are about to read is one that I have not told to many people before now. In fact, this story is so incredible, that it is almost unbelievable. I have wondered on a few occasions if I might have actually hit my head on this night. Well, I’ll let you decide. Here is the story . . .
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The Knight in Shining Armour

The knight in shining armour Months had passed since my arrival in Madrid. The extremely dry hot summer days in town were over and going out for a walk was enjoyable again. Not being able to work due to a lack of working permits, I had not much to do back then other than going out with friends and my boyfriend, alternately suffering and appreciating some moments of solitude.

My Guardian Angel

So, I think I have a pretty good guardian angel. Yesterday, on the way home from the headache doc, I had this overwhelming feeling that I was going to get into an accident. I prayed for safety and protection, and I made it home safely. When…