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Journaling for Health, Happiness and Personal Growth

Journaling has also been shown to improve mental health and for many people can lead to an increased level of self-esteem. Journaling regularly can help you learn to recognize patterns in your life and as a result, you can learn to consciously shift and change things so that you can learn to better your life in positive ways.
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Exclusive Personal Journey with Reiki & Past Life Regression

I began to question everything in my life. I wanted to know why there were repeating patterns, especially of the poisonous things I had been exposed to within a three month period.
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Emotional Healing

I believe our emotional health is just as important as our physical health. When our emotions are stuffed down, it will eventually come to the surface. When our emotions aren’t dealt with, often times, I’ve seen innocent bystanders being used as a target.

The Wellness CSI

I just happened across this guy's website today. I guess he calls himself The Wellness CSI. It's an interesting site.