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Learn a Brief History of Your Amazing Angels Today

The word angel is derived from the Greek “aggelos,” or “messenger.” Angels have long been the stuff of religion and myth, and these other-worldly beings,
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Want To Know How I Simply Met My Wonderful Guardian Angel?

I am 52 now, and for many years I have believed in Angels. I thought I would write about how I met my Guardian Angel and learned her name. I say her, but I now know that Angels don’t have particular genders, as fundamentally they are beings of energy, of light. Thinking of an Angel as male or female is for the benefit of humans, not necessary, but if it helps us to open up, to connect, then they are content with that.
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The Answer Is Clear

Do you struggle with making choices in your life? We get to write the script for our lives, yet we can face difficulties when it comes to choosing what to do with our life. Sometimes we can over-think a situation, worrying about the possible…

Angel Chakra Video for February 2015

February's reading highlights Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy Oracle cards.  The cards are placed in random order, that way your reading becomes more personalized by using your intuition. These Angel Chakra videos are posted once a month when…

Angel Chakra Video for January 2015

January's reading highlight's the Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. The cards and gemstones are placed in random order, that way your reading becomes more personalized by using your intuition.

Angel Chakra Reading for December 2014

These Angel Chakra videos are posted once a month when the moon cycle is in its waning phase.  I chose to post the Angel Chakra Readings near the waning moon cycle to help release energy that may be stuck, blocked, or stagnant.  The waning…

November Angel Chakra Reading

  These readings are going to be released during the lunar moon cycle each month, as this is a great time for personal releasing. We all have chakras- there are 7 main chakras that I tune into when reading energy: Root, Sacral, Solar…

October Angel Chakra Reading

I am excited to share a brand new monthly Angel Chakra video reading with you. These readings are going to be released during the lunar moon cycle each month- as this is a great time for personal releasing.
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Harmonizing Hardships in 5 Steps

What is the purpose of the challenges and hardships that we go through? We learn a great deal about ourselves when we are faced with challenges. We are incredibly flexible and resilient. We get pushed and pulled into situations in our life, things get twisted and turned up-side down, yet we all have the amazing ability to bounce back.
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Back Seat Driver

The story you are about to read is one that I have not told to many people before now. In fact, this story is so incredible, that it is almost unbelievable. I have wondered on a few occasions if I might have actually hit my head on this night. Well, I’ll let you decide. Here is the story . . .
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Your Pets and Your Guardian Angel

How you can request assistance from your own Guardian Angel in choosing a new pet, how you can find a pet when lost, and how to lower your stress when your pet is ill. You will learn how to use a simple, but powerful spiritual tool to have a more loving relationship with your pets.

Kitty Sadness Insomnia

I seem to have a slight case of insomnia tonight. It's sorta odd because I only slept a few hours last night, so I should fall right to sleep. (My husband has a bad cold, so his snoring kept me up all last night. Don't tell him I told you,…