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My Mother Earth Experience

I am Re and She is ME! I have chosen to honor the Earth Mother because she called out to me to do so, and I have bonded with Her. I have co-created with Her, honored Her.
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Freeing Athena (Trapped in A Land of Mist)

Maybe that's how she ended up in the Land of Mist ... if She really is a part of me? Athena? Can you hear me? What I am about to share with you is one of the weirdest things that has happened to me in a while. It's not the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. Basically, I'm admitting publicly ... finally ...
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Prayer - The Most Reliable Self-Help Tool

However, with our wet-blanket sentiment, wishing the best for others, forgiving them, or doing a favor to them may feel like an uphill task, unintentionally of course.
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You Are Not Alone - How to Stay Positive When Life Hits You Hard

We all go through those periods in life when everything feels like an endless battle. It seems as if we are walking with bloodied knees and bruised arms through an endless tunnel of darkness with no hope for the sun ever showing up. During such times, our faith is shaken to the core – hope seems like an impossible endeavor because there is no assurance or guarantee that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Today I am going to tell you something that will change how you experience life. Listen to this carefully, “You are not alone – you never were and you never will be.”
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Am I Praying Correctly?

Let me tell you a little story. Long ago, you walked up to your Heavenly Father expressing a desire to experience life on planet Earth. Your father was reluctant to let you go – what if you wandered too far away and couldn’t hear him call out your name anymore - what if you lost your way back Home?
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I'll Tell You Why

I asked God why so much has happened and why so many are struggling. I asked God why the people of Haiti have seen so much devastation and why their government is unable to accept all the help that has been offered. It's frustrating to see help just sitting in boxes, unable to reach those in need. I also asked why we are able to send help to those so far away while yet so many are suffering in our own country - in different ways but still unaided and crying out.

How to be Your Own Psychic

To receive a psychic reading is great. Learning how to be your own psychic reader is even better. Everyone has the potential to develop their intuition and sensing faculties. We all have far more potential than we give ourselves credit for.
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Faith of the Innocent

I wrote this some time ago but ran across it and decided to post it here ... Faith of the Innocent As I looked into my son's eyes one night, I saw something amazing. I saw absolute trust, absolute faith . . . in me. He knows that I…