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Healing 101 – How to Heal Yourself and Others for Good

Life is not going to get any easier – your only choice is to become bigger than the challenges and problems that are in front of you.
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Emotional Healing

I believe our emotional health is just as important as our physical health. When our emotions are stuffed down, it will eventually come to the surface. When our emotions aren’t dealt with, often times, I’ve seen innocent bystanders being used as a target.
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Mending Emotional Wounds

Mending Emotional Wounds If you've ever been the type of individual that had a difficult time letting something go, you reconsider each fault and each error, each broken human relationship.  We have all been there at a time or another. But…
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How Do I Forgive Myself?

"I was wondering if you could help me understand how to forgive myself. My childhood was not that great, and I try my best to be a good mother to my children but make a lot of mistakes. I've read a lot of books on how to be a better parent, and I'm doing much better, but I can't get over the things I've done in the past. My children have forgiven me, but I can't forgive myself." ~ Anna