Angelic Astrology – January 2014

By Rev. Colleen Lemma

Wow! Amazing! We are at the beginning of another year! 2013 was filled with much inner transformation and connection to the Divine Feminine Energies. Now, as we enter 2014, we enter a new vibration………a vibration that takes on various qualities. If you would like to hear a more in depth explanation of the energy vibration of 2014 and what to expect, please check out my Soul Reflections Video on the year 2014 below this article.

This month of January 2014 is an 8 vibration within a Universal 7 vibration year.  What does this mean? Simply put, it means that we are all going to start to become empowered spiritual beings. We will begin to reflect and look inward to understand our spiritual roots and heritage this year and January will start us off in owning that and integrating our spiritual power for we are all a part of the God Source Creation energy.

2014 Astrology Readings with Rev. Colleen Right on January 1st, the first day of our New Year, we have a very powerful New Moon at 11 degrees Capricorn, which occurs at 6:14am EST. Later that same day, the Sun will travel and meet Pluto in a conjunction aspect at 1:54pm EST. If there was ever a year that you were going to set new intentions of what you want to create or manifest, this should be the year! This New Moon is going to activate a T-Square configuration with Pluto, Uranus and Mars. Pluto is about power, transformation and BIG changes. Uranus is about change as well, but it brings these changes in a sudden and sometimes unexpected way……….remember, Uranus is the “Lightning Bolt!” Uranus is also about freedom…………breaking free from old energies and old ways of doing or experiencing situations, relationships or patterns in our life. And Mars…………..Mars is the action we take……… is energy in forward motion. So, you now see why this will be such a powerful day to make your intention list and New Year’s resolutions. Make it count! 

On January 11th Mercury, planet of communication, thoughts and ideas, moves from Capricorn into Aquarius. While in Capricorn, the mode of thinking has been practical and our thoughts have been about our goals, ambitions and career matters………it has been more reserved and cautious here. When Mercury moves into Aquarius, our way of thinking and communicating becomes more radical, creative and focused on the future…………..we will become more humanitarian in our thought processes and start to think outside of the box. Mercury will spend the rest of January in Aquarius and will start to slow down in speed somewhat as it gets ready to make another retrograde journey in the month of February.

January 14th-18th Venus (as it is in retrograde motion in Capricorn) will make a square aspect to Mars in Libra. This may be a bit of a challenging time as our goals, career, values, finances and relationship matters are tested on some level. Venus started its retrograde motion on December 21st in Capricorn and will turn back to direct motion on January 31st. While Venus is retrograde in Capricorn it is asking us to review matters associated with both the planet and the sign that it occupies, which is listed above. This is not a negative thing as Venus just wants us to make sure that we are on track with what we truly value in our lives.

On January 15th at 11:52pm EST we have a Full Moon at 26 degrees of Cancer. The sign of Cancer rules our feelings and this is right in that time period of the Venus and Mars square so we may find emotions more on the sensitive side in relationship and career matters. Perhaps this will be a good time to put our feelings “out on the table” so to speak, and clear the air of any misunderstandings.

The Sun moves from the sign of Capricorn and joins Mercury in the sign of Aquarius on Sunday, January 19th. With both of these planets now in Aquarius you may find that freedom and change are the focus of energy for people. Inventive and innovative ideas and solutions will be the norm.

Throughout the month Mars moves from 11 degrees to 23 degrees of Libra. This is putting a lot of focus on keeping things balanced in our relationships……………our relationship with partners, family, friends, co-workers…………..even our relationship with ourselves. I mention this because Mars is already in its shadow period of turning to retrograde motion which will be from March – May of 2014. Because Mars will be retrograde and spending so much time in the sign of Libra (it doesn’t actually move into Scorpio until late July 2014) this is giving us a lot of time to sort out relationship matters during the first part of the year.

During the second half of the month, Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion, will be opposing Venus retrograde in Capricorn and making a trine aspect to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Because Jupiter is in the sign of Cancer and Chiron is in the sign of Pisces (two water signs) this configuration will be bringing in an opportunity for the healing of emotions and feelings in regards to relationships in our lives.

And then we a New Moon at 11 degrees Aquarius on Thursday, January 30th at 4:36pm EST. YES! Another New Moon! Typically we only have one new moon and one full moon every month but because we had a New Moon on the very first day of the month, this next New Moon also falls within the month of January. New Moons are always a time to plant new seeds, start new projects or move in new directions.

I also want to make mention that on January 31st we move into a New Chinese Year: The Year of the Horse. We will be leaving behind the Year of the Snake which seems appropriate as snake is the symbol for transformation and we certainly had a lot of that in the year 2013. The Year of the Horse for 2014 will bring in energies of freedom, independence and quick movement in different areas of our lives! (I also talk about this a bit more in the Soul Reflections Video for 2014 below.)

Angel AstrologyWhen I asked my Angels and Guides what messages they had for everyone this month, this is what they shared …

First the angels would like us all to release and let go of what we no longer need and simplify our lives. This could mean on a physical level, like purging old items out of our home and/or office as this frees up the energy for new things to come in. Or, this could be about eliminating the old mental constructs and belief systems that we hold and/or releasing and healing old emotional wounds. By letting go of these old energies it creates a space for wonderful new experiences to arrive in their place.

My guides and angels are also asking me to share the importance of meditation and contemplation time right now. A lot of us reflect on the year past as a new year comes to be, but the angels take this a step further and ask that you spend some time alone to visualize what it is you truly desire to manifest in this new year. They share that it may be helpful to focus on study, education or learning something new during this month as you move forward into this new energy.

Lastly, the angels are saying to keep your focus on your intentions this month. What energies are you desiring to create……..what path or direction do you want to follow………..what is your Destiny? Release any fears and doubts that you may have. The angels say to trust and have faith……….that miracles occur every minute of every day and the Universe holds infinite possibilities and unlimited potential to assist you in creating your miracle!

Happy New Year 2014 Everyone! I wish you all a year of Happiness, Abundance, Prosperity, Success and Good Health!

Many Blessings to You!

Light to All,

Rev. Colleen Lemma

Spiritual Consultant & Angelic Astrologer

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Rev. Colleen is a Heavenly accurate Angelic Astrologer & Spiritual Consultant and one of our tested & trusted Angel Messenger Practitioners.  With well over 10 years of experience, some say Colleen’s intuitive guidance is simply life changing. Readings with Colleen are a combination of Intuitive Astrology, Numerology & Tarot. Colleen is available via phone or worldwide via Skype and email.  She also offers Audio Email Readings, Soul Healing & Soul Guidance Sessions.[/author_info] [/author]


Monthly Angel Card Reading – Part 1

Monthly Angel Card Reading – Part 2

Soul Reflections Video for the New Year 2014

About Rev. Colleen

Rev. Colleen Lemma was one of our original Tested and Trusted Angel Messenger Practitioners and is currently a contributing author. With well over 15 years of experience, some say Colleen’s intuitive guidance is simply life changing. Readings with Colleen are a combination of Intuitive Astrology, Numerology and Tarot, along with Divine messages from her angels and guides, including the Archangels and Ascended Masters.

Rev. Colleen Lemma, C.Ht., has been an active member in the spiritual and metaphysical field of studies since 1995. She took her first astrology class in 1996 and was soon teaching for an astrological learning center and doing professional consultations. She became a non-denominational ordained minister in the order of Melchizedek in 1996 and began her spiritual journey as a healing consultant. She is a Professional Astrologer and Numerologist, Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher, a Certified Hypnotherapist, and a Certified Crystologist in the Melody Teachings.

Colleen lectures and does classes and workshops on a variety of topics including Astrology, Numerology, Reiki, Crystals, Soulmates, Past Lives, Karma, Children of the New Paradigm, and Soul Empowerment. She is available for teaching and speaking engagements worldwide. You can find her on her website, Sacred Soul Empowerment, and as one of the spiritual readers and healers on the website, Living 5D in a 3D World.

"Colleen was, as always, fabulous. She shares such relevant information with grace and compassion. She genuinely cares and it is so obvious."
~ Angel Messenger Client

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