The Ultimate Guide to Creating

Beacons of Love

by Rev. Sheri, founder of Angel Messenger

I love creating Beacons of Love and Hope. Something you may not know about me is that painting stones is something that I have been doing for a while now to help me sidetrack my mind from my pain. I started my enjoyment of art by painting adult coloring books, and realizing the benefits there decided to hire an artist to paint some designs that I could give away to you here for free. However, I quickly got bored and needed something more so found a new hobby which turned into creating actual Beacons of Love and Hope.

Actually, I truly mean this … I paint my little stones with blessings and intentions for love and hope. You see, my rocks started to add up around the house. I do have a river of rocks in front of my home, so I added some there, but I knew I would eventually run out of space. And then I started thinking …

One thing I had not expected about my art is that it wasn’t just a healing experience; it was also a spiritual experience. I would find that in coloring, there were messages in the colors I would choose and even the images I had chosen to color, so I wondered if that had also applied to my rocks. I went to look at the collection I had painted and saw so many little clues and messages. I know this should be obvious to someone like me, but it was clear I was creating messages to myself while I was painting and had not even realized it.

So, I decided to paint with Divine intent and began painting stones with blessings, prayers and intentions for loved ones. Sometimes I would find that even deeper meanings and messages would come through than I had intended. I began to give away my blessing stones, but it still felt like I need to do more, so I had a party where I taught friends and family how to make their own, and that was fun! We got together on a Sunday afternoon, and everyone painted their own Beacon of Love! It was really cool!! 🙂

Create Your Own Beacon

I am excited to say that I have written an eBook called The Ultimate Guide to Creating Beacons of Love. This eBook designed to help you plan an event for you and your own friends and family to make your own beacons. Or, you can simply learn to make them for yourself or to give as gifts. You can dedicate your party to creating Beacons of Love or Hope, or you don’t even have to make a theme. These parties can be great all by themselves, just allowing guests to paint whatever their heart desires.

This fun little eBook walks you through how to plan your own stone painting party, including what supplies you need and where to get them, writing a blessing or prayer for your event (or you can use the one I wrote), using intentions and goddess energy (if you so choose). Include your friends and family members in a new journey of creating Beacons of Love and Hope across our world! <3

Of course, you can use this eBook to teach yourself how to use stone painting as beacons with intentions and blessings as well. My goal is to see little beacons popping up all over the world. Whether you do this just by yourself or with a group of eight, every beacon makes a difference!

My Hope …

I’m not an art expert by any means, though I have put together quite a few spiritual events over the years. I put together this eBook in the hope that maybe sharing what I know will help others to put together their own stone painting events, and maybe by this time next year there could be hundreds of Beacons of Love or Hope (or something else great) across the world because that would be just awesome!

I can’t do it all myself … I need your help! For the last several years, I have struggled with some type of neurological illness. I understand more now of what it is and what caused it. I’m working on healing, but one major thing that has been a powerful healer for me is art.

I’m not an awesome artist or anything; this isn’t about being Picasso or da Vinci. If I had gone looking on Pinterest before I had started painting, I might never have started. There are some amazing stone artists out there … and I’m not exactly one of them. My stone art is unique to me as yours will be to you. I hope by sharing my “not perfect” art, you will see that it’s perfectly safe to create what you create. Your art will be beautiful because it will be a part of you! <3

Love and Blessings,


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