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My Mother Earth Experience

I am Re and She is ME! I have chosen to honor the Earth Mother because she called out to me to do so, and I have bonded with Her. I have co-created with Her, honored Her.
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Freeing Athena (Trapped in A Land of Mist)

Maybe that's how she ended up in the Land of Mist ... if She really is a part of me? Athena? Can you hear me? What I am about to share with you is one of the weirdest things that has happened to me in a while. It's not the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. Basically, I'm admitting publicly ... finally ...
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Lady of Avalon (Keeper of the Flame)

She is the Lady of Avalon. She will not yield to those who cannot see Her. She will not yield to those who cannot hear Her. For this world has chosen a deaf, blind darkness. It is a Promise; the Children of Heaven will Rise in Grace.
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Thank You For Shining A Light

This post is going to be a personal one. I’ve really struggled these past few years with how I feel about this. Honestly, there has been severe depression, guilt, anger, feelings of betrayal, and a whole lot more. I’ve really had to dive deep to heal this one, but it’s a big one, and it may even have something to do in part with healing the Divine Feminine as well I think.
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3 Major Goddesses of Love & Beauty

Goddess energy has been a powerful resource in my healing toolbox, and I would be remiss not to include a piece on goddesses in a project on beauty. I have found that goddess energy can ebb and flow into each other like the tides of the sea. For me at least, they all may have their own petals, but they are all a part of the same beautiful flower.