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Make a Wish

Magic is in the air when you draw this card! What is it that you desire? What would you like to see happen in your life? This card is telling you to put your intention out there and it will be made manifest.
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If this card has shown up for you, I can only imagine that you know exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe you didn't have a bad childhood, and that's wonderful. But, there's something you must be having difficulty feeling you are worthy about something.
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Waves of Prosperity

This card is a symbol of new abundance and exciting opportunities! The mermaid’s wings can take her on a flight to new heights and new directions. She holds the seashell in her receiving hand, magnetizing and attracting the source of all goodness into her life.
You've prayed for help, so get out of the way and let Heaven help you
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Accept Heaven's Help

If we just release our prayers and have no expectations, then we could be very pleasantly surprised at what actually comes to us in the way of an answer. God and the Angels know what is in our highest and best interest, even better than we do sometimes. So, as the card says, “Get out of the way and let Heaven help you.”
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Oceana reminds that you are connected to Source. In many cultures it is a spiritual belief that ocean water is the essence of all life, and because we have salty blood like salty ocean water, that we are divine creatures with a common thread of creation within us.
Manifesting to Music
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Music for Manifesting

Music can greatly increase our energy into higher frequencies of existence, can protect us from lower energies, and can calm our very souls. Personally, I use music all the time to calm my energy and even when I prepare for readings. Actually, I find that singing works as a uniquely powerful way to increase my own energy.
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Morning Affirmations

When I was a teenager, I wrote out a bunch of my favorite quotations, Bible verses, and inspirational thoughts on assorted colors and types of paper and then cut them all out and taped them to my bedroom wall. I had no idea what I was doing, just that it made me feel better.
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Serena is a card about letting go. She is telling you to stop forcing your own will or control over the situation. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we think the solution should be or where the answers should come from, that we are completely…
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Play Time

"Playing is a magical form of meditation …" When I tell people they need more playtime in their day, it's always the same deep breath and eye roll.
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You've asked for heavens guidance, and it is given. This situation isn't right for you. Some vital information has been concealed, so you will need to dig deeper and ask more questions of those involved. Trust your gut feelings ...
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Caressa is a card that many people misunderstand, so I've included Doreen's exact explanation of this card below. The energy of this card is like the 9 energy in numerology. It is about endings, completions and things falling away that no…
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Pay Attention

When you keep receiving or experiencing a repeating energy, idea, feeling or message be sure that it is God and the angels trying to get you to Pay Attention!