Tomorrow is my little guy’s last day of school. I’m happy that I’ll have more time to spend with him, and we already have lots of plans, but I hope this crazy weather we’ve been having will cooperate. For the last three days, I was completely out of it with one of the worst migraines I’ve had in a very long time. It’s rare now that the pain will last more than 24 hours, but this time it did, and even today I’m not quite feeling right.

This weather can’t make up its mind here, but I know we’re lucky in Michigan. My prayers have been roaming all over the place for those who have it much worse than we do. The good news is that I believe I’ve found another personal migraine trigger. I know that might not sound like great news, but it is because I can fight back when I know what’s causing the pain. It seems allergies do play a role for me. I’ve never thought it affected me before, but this allergy season is one of the worse in a very long time. Coincidentally, I believe that’s part of what brought on my most recent headache. It rained for weeks. We had no spring, and now it’s horribly hot and humid. Hopefully this weather will level out, or my newly planted flower beds will all die because I won’t be able to take care of them. I went outside for five minutes late this morning and could feel the headache coming back. It stinks that I can’t enjoy summer like a normal person, and I hope my son and I will get to at least some of our summer plans without my “issue” becoming too much of an issue. I had to miss his baseball game last night because of this recent headache, and I had to have some good friends bring him home from school.

I’m sending a healing blessing out there to all those who suffer with true migraine headaches. Those who’ve never had one can’t truly appreciate what I mean by that, but those in the know will indeed know. My worse migraines feel like some kind of crazed animal is trying to break out of my skull. I can’t lay down because that makes the pain worse. Sometimes I try water therapy, only sometimes to realize I can’t function and I’m alone in a bathtub. Other times, my brain just can’t function like it should. Like yesterday, I thought in my head that I had called my friend to pick up my son and had gotten her voicemail. Then, I wasn’t sure if I had actually gotten her voicemail or if she said she wasn’t going to be there after school. In my head, several scenarios could have happened, and I wasn’t sure which one actually did happen. Luckily, my husband called me and realized the state I was in, and he called our friends. It turns out that I never even called my friend. My phone showed no outgoing calls. I sorta completely lost my mind yesterday, but that’s part of what happens with these headaches. The pain is so severe that it leaves an after affect than can last days after the pain is finally gone. It’s like being in a fog where things move in slow motion, and, if I don’t move in slow motion, the pain will come rushing back.

For me, the weather is a big part of my challenge. Michigan is probably one of the worst possible places for me to live, but my family is here, and I won’t leave. So, I have to learn to live with that challenge, but it also means that sometimes I will fail those who depend on me, and that’s the part that sucks the most. Knowing I’ve failed someone is hard, but we all do the best we can, right?

Okay, so schools out and we’re all hoping for less crazy weather! If we all put it out there, we might make something good happen! ๐Ÿ™‚

Angel Blessings,


5 replies
  1. Rev. Sheri
    Rev. Sheri says:

    Meaghan, I have never considered solar flares, but that makes a lot of sense. I’m really sensitive to the sun; I’ll have to check into that. Thanks! Pat, Seabands are awesome for nausea. That’s great advice for migraine sufferers. Thank you for sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. pat
    pat says:

    so, I see I’m not alone…what a week~~~~~~~~~~

    one thing that helps my oversensitive head in times of storm-related pressure and humidity is to wear the seasick bracelets (acupressure points for nausea seem to help with the other symptoms…

  3. Meaghan
    Meaghan says:


    For the past few days we have been experiencing solar flares. As an empath, these always throw me for a loop and i wouldnt be surprised if they were a factor in bringing your headaches on.

    I dont get migraines really. Ive had three in my life, but theyre always around this time. I also experience a lot of free floating anxiety and fatigue with the flares.

    Anyway, just something to think about.
    I hope you feel better soon ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Rev. Sheri
    Rev. Sheri says:

    Dear Gloria,

    I’m sorry to hear about your headache. I hope you feel better soon. ๐Ÿ™‚ I too have suffered with migraines since my teen years. Being a teen is hard enough without that kind of pain, huh?

    I’ve been on several different preventatives and other medications. It’s possible I may have tried more medications than a lab rat. Imitrex didn’t work for me … well, almost I guess it sort of did. I took 4 melt under your tongue tablets within two hours one time. That took the pain away for a little while, but I felt really funny, and the headache came back. As you probably know, you’re only supposed to take two of those within 24 hours. My doctor wasn’t happy about my overdose, but when you’re desperate …

    I so very much wish there was a cure for migraines, but I think part of the problem is that there are way too many causes and the cure for each person could be as unique as the individual. Normally, I’m pretty good at coping with them with a combination of things like water therapy and meditation techniques, but that’s really just enough to keep me stable enough to fall asleep (while sitting up in a chair propped with pillows).

    The absolutely worst medication I tried was by far the Zomig nasal spray. The side effects included frightening hallucinations, and the pain worsened. It was like my blood was on fire and moving. The shot I tried was bad, too. I had to work myself up to stab myself in the leg, and once I finally did it, the drugs increased the pain. That was like a bolt of lightening to my brain; I actually saw stars with that one.

    I’ve started taking a daily allergy pill in the hope I’ll be able to offset this new pain trigger. Allergies never made a difference before. I was actually on allergy medicine once upon a time, but the doctor took me off because there wasn’t a difference. It’s just this season. Everyone I know seems to be having terrible allergies this year.

    I hope you feel better, Gloria. I know some people say that Imitrex is their best friend. If something worked for me, it would be my best friend, too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    ~ Sheri

  5. Gloria
    Gloria says:

    Dear Rev. Sheri-

    As I sit here and read about your migraines, I too am suffering from one as I write. I have suffered from migraines since I was a teenager and I am now 42. I totally sympathize with you. These headaches are debilitating. Have you tried being put on a migraine preventative? Sometimes they can help. I take celexa everyday and when I do get one, I take imitrex. It takes away the pain in about 20 minutes. They still don’t know why people get migraines. It’s very frustrating and takes away all of your energy. Don’t think you are alone. I am right there with you. I wish you the best and lots of rest. Maybe someday they will find a cure for this.




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