
Planet of Luck Turns Direct - Woo Hoo!

Astrology isn't my area of expertise, but a friend sent me the link below. I have to say that I for one am very happy about Jupiter turning direct!!! :D
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Set Your Mind Free

Creativity means thinking out of the box. In other words, it means, thinking in the unusual way. It involves lot of innovation. Thinking out of the box requires the mind to be free. It is true that creativity is an art, however with proper training, it can be acquired easily.
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Lean Teen Self-Esteem

Last night was the first night of the Free October Tele-Summit for moms. If you haven't signed up yet, you should. It's free, and it's good. You won't want to miss the one scheduled for tomorrow night ... Thursday, October 8, 2009, 8pm…

Mid Life Rebirth, Marianne Williamson

I happened to run across this on You Tube, and the message from Marianne Williamson really reached out to me. It's so true that we all experience things in our lives that can practically put a stopper in life and prevent us from moving on -…

Feeling Happy

Sigh ... I have to say I am so happy to be back doing readings and healing sessions. I hadn't realized until now how I was feeling like I'd lost part of myself while I was on sabbatical. Connecting with Heaven again in this way can be so exhilarating!…

This Baby's Got Rythym

Funny baby dancing to music video of Beyonce
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Free October Tele-Summit for Moms

Register now for FREE at www.HealthyTalksforMoms.com . The first call with Dr. Sylvia Rimm, author of Rescuing the Emotional Lives of Overweight Children, is on October 6th, at 8pm, EST.

Roman Polanski Sick & Wrong

Roman Polanski needs to pay for his crime in whatever way the judicial system deems fair. Does he need therapy? Probably. Does he deserve prison? That's not for me or anyone but a judge to decide. Of course, if you'd look inside my head, you'd see a big YES! there. Roman Polanski may or may not be a good person - that's not what's being debated here. The point is that the man's actions were sick and wrong. In my book, this is one area in which it is never okay look the other way.

Message from an Indigo Child

... this is just one example of why we should nurture the special and unique children in our lives. You never know what they might do ... you they might touch with words ... or what differences they are capable of making ...

Attention Previous Lansing Area Clients

"Don't ignore the experience you have" is the message.

Are You Being Nudged?

A fellow colleague of mine sent this article to me via email, and I had to share it. Sue perfectly states what so many have been going through, and I believe her to be a very gifted individual. I have not personally had a reading with her,…
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Do you read paranormal romance novels?

An author I know is looking for a small group of women to read and give feedback on a new paranormal romance novel she is currently writing.  I told her that I would ask my readers to find out if anyone might be interested.  If you might be,…