Journaling for Health, Happiness and Personal Growth

Journaling for Health, Happiness

and Personal Growth

from our Angel Messenger Creative Team

 One of the best ways to grow as a person and gain clarity about your life is by journaling about your thoughts, feelings and life experiences.

Keeping a journal has many positive benefits. Journaling can be an effective way to learn and grow and some see it as a free form of self-help therapy.  Journaling can be a great way to process our daily stress; as it can help us understand where it comes from and how to work through it.

Journaling has also been shown to improve mental health and for many people can lead to an increased level of self-esteem.  Journaling regularly can help you learn to recognize patterns in your life and as a result, you can learn to consciously shift and change things so that you can learn to better your life in positive ways.

Here are some tips to help you use journaling for personal growth and to relieve stress:

Journaling Can Be Easy – Keep it Simple

A lot of people get stressed about the idea of journaling, but those that journal regularly know that it can be easy, relaxing and important part of daily life.  You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a fancy journal, a plain old notebook is fine to start, the important thing is to not overthink things and just start writing on a regular basis.

There are also a variety of good online journal sites that a lot of people find helpful.  Most are free and offer a way to protect your journal from other people seeing it.  It is important for you to feel free to just write and not to worry about other people seeing your private stream of thoughts.

The following are the best online journal sites, all of them are free, but a few have pro features which they charge a little bit for.   We would suggest signing up for a few of them to start so that you can find out which one you like best. They are, and

Journaling is actually a simple process that you will learn more about below.  The important thing is to understand that there is no right or wrong way to journal, you just need to make the time to start; after a while, it will become an important habit in your life that you will enjoy and find helpful.

Choose Your Moments

In the beginning don’t plan on writing every day, as this can make the process discouraging if you miss a day or two. The key, especially in the beginning, is to not set up any expectations, but try and make a commitment to write at least a couple of times a week.

In the beginning, it can be helpful to try and take a few minutes in the morning and evening to reflect on your life and if ideas start coming jot them down for a few moments.  Some people like to journal several times a day.  Don’t worry about how long you journal, sometimes it may be just a few minutes and other times you may be feeling more reflective and it can be 20 minutes or more.  As you begin to journal regularly, eventually it will become an important habit in your life that you can not live without.

Relax and Let Go

When journaling for personal growth it can be helpful to take a few minutes to find a way to relax and transition into the process of journaling your thoughts.  For some people, this may be listening to music or savoring a cup of tea.  For others, it may be doing a few yoga stretches or just sitting there with your eyes closed and taking a few deep breaths before you start writing.

When thoughts start to come in your mind, don’t hold back just start writing what comes into your mind, don’t try and edit yourself or make your writing understandable to someone else.  This is your process and the key is to just start writing whatever comes to your mind.

Banish the Grammar Police – Journaling is not normal writing and spelling and grammar do not matter at all, so do not even think about editing your stream of thoughts.  Surprisingly, a lot of people are concerned about trying to write correctly and it is one of the main reasons that many people stop journaling.  Remember nobody else is going to see what you write, so just let go and let’er rip!

When facing the blank page the idea of writing can be overwhelming at first, so when you start just write anything, just start with putting the date on the page, then just describe what is on your mind.

If you are struggling to get started here is a list of topic ideas to get you flowing:

  • How do I feel?
  • What do I want?
  • What is going good in my life?
  • What is frustrating me?
  • What am I grateful for?
  • What in my life is causing me stress?
  • How can I improve my health and well-being?
  • What is going on in my relationships? How can I improve […] relationship?
  • How can I make a difference today?
  • What would an enlightened being do in this situation?
  • What am I proud of?

Just let it flow, write whatever feeling or thought comes to mind.  Keep writing as long as it feels right.  Each journaling session will most likely be a different amount of time and will reflect things going on in your life.

Take Time to Reflect & Review Periodically

From time to time and after each journal entry, take a few minutes to reflect on what you wrote.  The most important thing is to keep an objective mindset and don’t judge or belittle yourself or your life situation.

Journaling for personal growth is differentiated from regular journaling by having a self-reflective quality or component.  Reflective journaling is not just writing about the events of your day; it is about taking the time to write about your behavior and feelings around specific events and relationships.

Don’t be afraid to write about the difficulties and problems in your life.  Randi Kregar author of Heal By Writing, wrote “ Many psychological and medical studies have shown that writing about difficulties and dreams helps people experience increased happiness, health, and productivity”

Try and make sure your journal has a balanced quality between positive and negative feelings and situations.   If something is negative, can you find a way to transform the negative energy into positive creativity and growth?

When reflecting upon your thoughts, feelings, and writings, try to remain relaxed and think about why and how you reacted the way you did, and how you can improve in future situations?

Also, ask yourself:

  • What triggered the situation or my reaction?
  • Where did my reactions come from?
  • How can I improve and become better?
  • How can I learn from this?
  • How can I become a better person?
  • How can I become more present and loving in future similar situations?
  • I am surprised by…
  • I am aware of.…
  • How can I use my experience to improve my circumstances right now?

This form of reflective analysis can be very helpful for personal growth and can take your journaling to the next level. Journaling can help change your perspective, and allow you to learn more about life and yourself.    The key to journaling is to try and get in the habit of writing regularly and also try to just let it flow and not worry about your writing style or what you are writing.   At some level you already know all the answers, regular journaling can help you let go and drop into a more happy and fulfilling life.

Happy Journaling!

Much Love & Angel Blessings,

Angel Messenger

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