Environmentalist Oracle Card Extended Description - Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue“You’re an Earth Angel who was born to protect, nurture, and teach about nature and the animals.

Your passion for the environment stems from your soul’s purpose. Prior to your incarnation, you pledged to commit your lifetime to helping the planet. You can feel this purpose each time you get upset about pollution; and through the extreme love you feel toward animals, flowers, and if treaties. In fact, you often feel more connected to animals than people. The reason why is that your soul resonates with the honesty and beauty of nature.

This card comes you as inspiration or motivation to take action on behalf of the environment. This begins with adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle for yourself, such as recycling and using “green” cleaning supplies. Your environmentally related career can involve animals (dogs sitting/walking, animal communication, activism, [veterinary work] and so on), plants (botany, gardening, landscaping, and the like), crystals, bodies of water, air quality, alternative energy, and so forth.

Notice your natural passions and interests as guideposts directing you toward actions you can take within your community to protect the animals and nature.  Any time you feel upset about an issue, this is a sign regarding your purpose. Whenever you think, someone should do something about this, know that this “someone” is you!

This card and description is from the Life Purpose Oracle Card Deck & Guidebook by Doreen Virtue. For our Life Purpose Reading, we have included 13 of the 44 cards from this deck.

Though Doreen no longer believes in her work, we do believe in the work we have created here and hope you will find it helpful. If you enjoy our Free Online Angel Card Readings, please consider making a donation. May you be blessed.

“When we’re working on it [our Life Purpose], all aspects of our lives become healed.” When we’re not, “there’s a chronic low-level sense of anxiety because we subconsciously know that we’re missing the mark … Before you were born, you worked with your angels to orchestrate a life mission that would help others and be emotionally rewarding … These oracle cards were designed to help you identify your specific life purpose.” – How to Work with the Life Purpose Oracle Cards, from the Life Purpose Oracle Cards Guidebook.icon