I watched a show on the History channel last night that talked all about Edgar Cayce, his life and the predictions he made for individuals and the world. I’ve been a fan of his work for quite some time, but it was the first I’d really heard about his life. He was an extraordinary man, a wonderful gift to our world. It truly amazed me to learn more about how he worked. I knew he went into a trance state to perform his readings. He would only do two readings a day because it took such a toll on him. I was a little relieved to hear that another “real” psychic had trouble with this because I have the same issue; it was part of the reason for my sabbatical. Some people have said to me that my problem is all because I don’t shield myself properly from the energies during readings, but I never felt that was correct. I know how to shield myself and do it daily. Especially during my sessions, only the highest energies are allowed in my space, and my home is heavily guarded by angelic energies. But, I do get mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted after readings – some more than others. My husband has said to me before that he can always tell how my reading went because my mood changes after each one. Even if I forget much of what happened during the session, just like Cayce, I still feel the lingering emotions and am affected by them. Well, at least I know I’m not doing anything wrong.

Another thing I found interesting is how Cayce died. I knew he died before his time, and I knew he’d been overwhelmed by his work, but I didn’t realize he was taking 7-8 readings a day at the end. He didn’t take adequate care to respect his own needs because he felt so many people needed his help at that time. While it was a generous act, it’s ultimately what killed him. He was exhausted, had a stroke and died.

I can only do 2 (sometimes 3) readings a day myself, and even that can make me sick on occasion. I’ve also noticed the nature of some readings will affect me more than others. It was really interesting to hear about Cayce having some of the same issues I’ve had. For so long, I’ve felt like there must be something wrong with me that I can’t just spit out information with no consequences, but I guess I’m not the only one after all. It was just so meaningful to me, like I needed to have this information for a reason. I only wish Cayce was alive today; it saddens me to think of all we might have missed by losing him. I don’t question Heaven’s timing, though. I’m sure there was a good reason he was called home at the time he was. He deserved the reward. I guess I’m being a little selfish, but a teacher like Cayce is hard to come by.

Have a happy Tuesday!

~ Sheri

6 replies
  1. Jennie Taylor Martin
    Jennie Taylor Martin says:

    Thank you for mentioning Edgar Cayce in your blog. The organization he founded in 1931 is still al thriving nonprofit today. We welcome visitors to our Web site at EdgarCayce.org as well as to our headquarters in Virginia Beach. peace and blessings ~

  2. Rev. Sheri
    Rev. Sheri says:

    Thank you, cj. It does take a lot of energy. I’m actually pretty big on taking care of myself. I know that I’m no good to anybody if I don’t – family or clients. It’s just that I’ve had this idea in the back of my mind for a long time that there was something wrong with me that it does take so much out of me. I know others in my profession that seem to be able to take readings all day every day back to back with no problems. I’ve never been able to do that, so it was a nice validation to know that Casey, a man with unbelievably incredible psychic ability, experienced the same challenges.

  3. cj
    cj says:

    I have migraines, too. I wouldn’t wish them on anyone. I’m on your waiting list for about two months, and I would be happy to wait even longer if I needed to. I agree with Robin. Can’t imagine how much energy it takes to do what you do, but thank you so so much!

  4. Rev. Sheri
    Rev. Sheri says:

    Hi Robin! It’s funny because I always give that advice to other people. “You can’t treat yourself like a machine … even our cars get gasoline and oil changes!” I promise to take care of myself. Now that my husband knows what happened to Cayce, he’s going to be on my case all the time. 😉 I sorta got a mini lecture from him last night. But, I did see how important it is to take care of myself properly because the world was only robbed of Casey because he gave to much too quickly. Not that I would ever compare myself to Casey’s ability, but I think I was supposed to learn not to feel bad that I can’t give all the time. I keep my schedule strict to not interfere with my family, too. Sometimes people get upset about that, but I’ve always felt I needed to honor myself and my family first. Sometimes, I even schedule time out for myself to just watch a movie or something during the middle of the day because I need a break. Now I know not to feel bad for making those decisions, and that’s important. Casey felt bad for people and started offering 7-8 readings a day. I think it was during the war, if I remember correctly. People wanted to know if their loved ones would be safe. I can’t even begin to imagine the emotional trauma he went through with seeing all that. Just one of those readings could easily send me into migraine land! Not good!

  5. Robin B.
    Robin B. says:

    I am so glad for you that you got validation for how readings are exhausting and can take a toll for “real” psychics like you. Please Sheri take care of yourself and your family and needs first!! You give so very much and it seems like you can only give if your “cup” is full. It is your choice to give and that is very very very generous of you. I hope that you take sabbaticals whenever you need or want to. It seems clear to me that readings would be thoroughly exhausting – you go right into people’s lives and actually feel all their feelings, emotions, deep issues and their close relatives and guides. Two times a day – holy toledo! I would feel uncomfortable calling you for help if I didn’t think you were thoroughly taking care of yourself and your family in whatever way you need to.


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