Counseling Oracle Card Extended Description - Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue“You heal with kind words, wise advice, and then empathic ear.

People frequently reveal their deepest secrets and worries to you because you’re a natural counselor who channels wise advice and kind support. This card comes as a counselor for you, advising you to choose a career path involving this type of work …”

Your career path could involve coaching, traditional or pastoral counseling, or even a spiritual path such as offering Angel readings. This life purpose uses words to heal in some way and can even include writing or teaching.  You are a counselor; you affect people with the words you speak, so speak kindly.  😉

Angel Blessings,

Rev. Sheri
Founder, Angel Messenger

This card and excerpt is from the Life Purpose Oracle Card Deck by Doreen Virtue. For this Life Purpose Reading, we have included 13 of the 44 cards from this deck.

Though Doreen no longer believes in her work, we do believe in the work we have created here and hope you will find it helpful. If you enjoy our Free Online Angel Card Readings, please consider making a donation. May you be blessed.

“When we’re working on it [our Life Purpose], all aspects of our lives become healed.” When we’re not, “there’s a chronic low-level sense of anxiety because we subconsciously know that we’re missing the mark … Before you were born, you worked with your angels to orchestrate a life mission that would help others and be emotionally rewarding … These oracle cards were designed to help you identify your specific life purpose.” – How to Work with the Life Purpose Oracle Cards, from the Life Purpose Oracle Cards Guidebook.