
Are You Being Nudged?

A fellow colleague of mine sent this article to me via email, and I had to share it. Sue perfectly states what so many have been going through, and I believe her to be a very gifted individual. I have not personally had a reading with her,…
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Do you read paranormal romance novels?

An author I know is looking for a small group of women to read and give feedback on a new paranormal romance novel she is currently writing.  I told her that I would ask my readers to find out if anyone might be interested.  If you might be,…

Highway Nightmare

Thank you, Michael, for watching over my husband and please continue to do so 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I cannot bear even the thought of losing him. He is everything to me ... the only man brave enough to love me, the safe haven of my heart and the guardian of my soul.

Two More Referrals

Colleen Lemma and Sylvia Orchid Light are two practitioners that I know personally and have worked with professionally. I have had readings with both women, and they are both good at what they do. They have both taken part in events I have…

Resuming Sessions

I have started to call those on my waiting list to schedule readings for the next couple of weeks. I will only be scheduling a few readings each week between the hours of 10am and 2pm eastern time via telephone only. My hours will change to…

A Struggle with Myself

I hadn't realized that Boy Scouts is actually a religious organization of sorts. If you don't believe in God, you're not allowed to be a leader. I do believe in God, but I don't really like some of the ways they alienate and reject some people.

Kitty Sadness Insomnia

I seem to have a slight case of insomnia tonight. It's sorta odd because I only slept a few hours last night, so I should fall right to sleep. (My husband has a bad cold, so his snoring kept me up all last night. Don't tell him I told you,…
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Free Ebooks

I've had a few people ask me why the ebooks are free. The answer is simply that I don't have time to be bothered with selling them right now and wanted to get them online so people can use them. Yes, I'm aware they are worth money, but I'm…
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Magick Money Spells

I don't know if these work, but someone emailed them to me and I thought I'd share ... It can't hurt to try! Money Spell #1 Ingredients: green candle, basil, and patchuli oil. Carve the green candle with your name and the exact amount…

Lucid Dreaming Free eBook

FYI, I just uploaded a free ebook on lucid dreaming. :)

Angel Reader Referals

I'm happy to say that I've recently met, through email, a friend named Leeann who offers angel readings. She was able to do an email reading for me, and I was pleased with her ability. Leeanne offers readings through email, phone and in-person.…

First Day of School

Today is my little boy's first day of first grade. It's so weird to have my day all to myself. I can't say that I'm complaining :) ... it's just different. I will be able to get so much more done. My headaches have gotten much better, too.…