Current Appointment Schedule

My waiting list is currently about three months long. It might be a little longer for those requesting in-person sessions and a little shorter for those requesting telephone sessions, especially if you've requested a telephone session on a…
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Appreciating Diversity During the Holidays

It used to be that being inclusive meant sending out PC "Happy Holidays" greeting cards and changing Christmas office parties to "Holiday parties." Today, it's about more than just changing labels and titles. It's about using a time to be with friends and family to build understanding and awareness about others.

Tips to Attract Abundance

Your question is the one that needs to be asked when it comes to the "Law of Attraction". We can find endless information on this topic from books and magazines to blogs and e-books, but they all say the same thing. "Think positive and everything will work out fine." I don't believe this, but maybe that's why my life isn't perfect? Na, I don't believe that either. ;)

Cutest Kitten Ever

We all know I love cats, but you don't have to be a cat lover to get some enjoyment out of this little baby. My husband found this video, and I had to share it. Enjoy!

My "New Moon" Review

Overall, as I said before, I would recommend that any woman with a pulse go and see New Moon. Then again, I'm sure the undead among us would enjoy it, too!

Time to Move On?

Is this where I belong or do I need to move on with my life to find the man I am supposed to be with?
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"New Moon"

Just in case any of my readers don't know this yet, I am a big fan of Twilight. One of the best things about the series is that it has spurred on a new love of reading among so many people. I'm going to see "New Moon" tomorrow with my sister, and I'll probably post a blog on my thoughts. I'm excited because there have been many good things said. I really hope it's as good as it is in my own head!

Watch Your Assumptions And Save Your Marriage

A marriage crisis makes it difficult to process information. If you are trying to save your marriage, I hope you will find this article to be helpful in taking a step back and thinking about your perceptions.

Arranged Marriage or Will I Choose?

I would like to know if you see me in a romantic relationship with a man in the near future?

The Power To Empower Yourself

Personal empowerment will allow you to follow the dreams that are not within your means now. Take those small steps and set attainable and reachable goals within a brief time frame so that you would feel empowered when you accomplish them.

Abandoned Attraction

You are meant to be a teacher to him in this life, but I don't feel it being anything more than that. In your past lifetime with him, it's very possible that not listening to you caused him some pain and regret, which you then took upon yourself. Don't repeat the past - don't own the feelings of what is going on here.


Many spirits that commit suicide are confused and afraid, especially at first. They may run from the light, even though that’s where they are meant to go. I do not believe in purgatory or a soul being punished by God/Spirit. However, I do believe that a soul can create their own punishment.