Morning Affirmations Card Extended Description - Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

This card is about using affirmations to surround yourself with positive energy. To state it very simply, positive energy makes us happy, and joy creates more positive energy, bringing about wonderful and often miraculous possibilities.

When I was a teenager, I wrote out a bunch of my favorite quotations, Bible verses, and inspirational thoughts on assorted colors and types of paper and then cut them all out and taped them to my bedroom wall. I had no idea what I was doing, just that it made me feel better. Now, looking back years later, I also find it ironic that I had cut them all out in the shapes of clouds. I fashioned a room full of colorful, Heavenly messages and surrounded myself with the energy it created.

You don’t have to tape paper clouds all over your bedroom wall, though this card is telling you to think along the same lines. Maybe a few sticky notes on your bathroom mirror would help, or maybe a positive affirmation journal would be a good idea. Visual manifestations like vision boards are wonderful, too. Or simply close your eyes, and imagine that what you desire has already manifested, but don’t weigh yourself down with worry about the logistics of how it happened. Get creative because using your creative side is also a powerful manifestation tool.

Angel Blessings,

Rev. Sheri
Founder, Angel Messenger

This card is from the “Magical Mermaids & Dolphins” Oracle Card Deck by Doreen Virtue.

“The Magical Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle Cards are specifically geared to help you manifest your desires, life purpose, and Divinely inspired dreams. These cards can help you swim into the ocean of your unconscious mind, where profound thoughts and feelings can create – or block – your heart’s desire. Your manifestations will appear more quickly and accurately once you discover your true, deep beliefs. I’ve also infused these cards with blessings, to support you in manifesting your beautiful, joyful life and Divine mission.” – Doreen Virtue, Instructions for Working with the Magical Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle Cards.

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