Angelic Astrology – May 2013
By Rev. Colleen Lemma

We begin the month with the lingering effects of April’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5-6 degrees Scorpio, the first of three eclipses that will take us through the end of May bringing heightened energies of transformation both personally and globally.

Eclipses are harbingers of fast and intense change. This month, especially, will be full of much transition, re-directions and huge transformations in the world and with us as individuals for not only do we have two eclipses this month but we also have the 3rd exact Pluto-Uranus square.

Pluto is about death and rebirth. It brings huge change and transformation on a global scale. This energy helps to breakdown and clear away what is old, outworn and outdated so that new energy can be birthed in our lives and on the planet. Pluto does not tread lightly……… will unearth, dismantle and obliterate that which no longer serves our best and highest interest, which is a good thing, but for society and those people who try to hold on tightly to energies that are no longer beneficial it can be quite a challenge as these transitions take place.

Uranus is what I like to call the Lightening Bolt Planet. It suddenly and unexpectedly illuminates and shifts the way things currently operate. It is quick, intense and unpredictable. Metaphysically speaking, Uranus is the Intelligence of the God-Source Energy. It is here to Enlighten and raise the vibration of the Earth Mother and Humanity.

The six exact square configurations that these two planets make with each other (the first of which was June 2012 and the last being March 2015) are the impetus for change on the planet…………..the change that needs to happen to bring the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies back into balance…………the change that needs to happen so that we release the patriarchal systems that have been dominating this planet. We can no longer operate in the ways that we have been. Look at what is happening on the planet……….look at what our planet has become…..the pollution and disrespect we show our Earth Mother, the hate, crime, war and manipulations that so many governments, big businesses and organizations spew forth upon the inhabitants of the planet.

The energies of the Pluto-Uranus squares are bringing the changes and transitions necessary………bringing us back into a balance of Peace, Compassion, Unconditional Love, Unity, and “Christ” Consciousness. It is also assisting us all on an individual level to purge, release and transmute old crystallized mental and emotional constructs that no longer serve our Highest Purpose. We are all Divine Beings of Light……….One with each other and One with Spirit, God/Goddess, Universe, All That Is. To Love One Another is to Love Yourself……to Love Yourself is to Love One Another. We are All One Energy! Yes, with individual paths, with unique individual energies, with individual contributions but All from the same Source no matter what religious path or spiritual upbringing!

Angel AstrologySo back to the specifics: We start the month out with four planets in Taurus (Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars) until May 9th. All of the new and initiatory energies we had last month with several planets being in Aries and the Aries New Moon can now start to take form. The new projects, new directions, and new intentions that began last month can now begin to manifest.

We have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19-20 degrees Taurus on May 9th at 8:28pm EDT just hours after Venus moves from Taurus into Gemini. This will be a powerful day for the beginning stages of the manifestation of your goals, dreams and desires as the Moon in Taurus conjuncts Mars, Mercury and then the Sun. Taurus (an earth sign) is the sign that brings things into form. Be sure to make your intentions for the manifestation of your new beginnings known to the Universe in whatever way you are guided to as this will be a magical day to do so.

Mercury joins Venus in Gemini on May 15th so pay attention to new and brilliant ideas to stream forth into your consciousness. It will be a good time to network with others and for communications of all kinds………speaking, writing, teaching and learning. The Sun also moves into Gemini soon after on May 20th to support all of these Gemini themes.

On the same day that the Sun moves into Gemini we have the 3rd exact square of Pluto and Uranus at 11-12 degrees Capricorn and Aries. However, we will be feeling and experiencing the output of energies from this planetary configuration during the entire month as it comes closer and closer into exact alignment. Be observant and aware of the transitions and changes going on around you, within you and outside of you in your environment.

Then we have a build-up of energy the week of May 20th as we approach the third and final eclipse of this season, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 4-5 degrees Sagittarius, on Saturday, May 25th at 12:25am EDT (those in the Pacific Standard Time Zone will experience this on Friday, May 24th at 9:25pm).

Again, Full Moons are about letting go of energies that are no longer needed and the eclipse heightens the energy and makes it super powerful. The Sagittarius/Gemini polarity of this full moon focuses on issues of your belief systems, your communications, your long range goals and plans for the future and the ideas that you hold that either help or hinder you from bringing these goals and plans into reality. Release and discard negative thoughts, ideas or belief systems that sabotage your being able to move forward with your vision for the future.

I asked the Angels what specific messages they wanted to share with everyone for this month.

They share that this is a very powerful month for using the spiritual law of attraction to bring your desires into manifestation but they also caution to not push or force outcomes as the energies this month are unpredictable and unstable. It is best to visualize and put your intentions out there…….it is even ok to take steps towards your goals, as long as you balance that with allowing the transitions to happen naturally and in the timing of the Universe. They said to keep your positive thoughts and emotions on your intentions and then let circumstances fall into place as they will.

The Angels and Masters of the Light also speak about relationships. They share that with such intense and transformational energies going on, that we, as individuals, are all going through our own shifts and purging of old energies that can bring about a state of imbalance within our beings. So, with any challenges or conflicts that you may experience in your personal relationships with one another it is best to just wait before making any decisions of change.

In other words, we are probably playing out our shadow side or ego issues with those that are closest to us. So, it would be beneficial to keep that in mind, as we are transmuting these lower vibration energies, and not make any hasty “knee-jerk” decisions or actions until these intense and powerful energies have settled.

Please call on your angels, the Archangels and your guides and spiritual teachers of the Light as you move through this very important and transformative time period. We are all going through the process of evolution and allowing our energy bodies to become lighter and lighter as we move into 5th dimension. They are here to help, heal and assist us if we just call on them!

Many Blessings to You!

Light to All,

Rev. Colleen Lemma

Spiritual Consultant

Colleen is an incredibly accurate intuitive astrologer with well over 10 years of experience, and she is now offering her services here through Angel Messenger. Readings with Colleen are a combination of Intuitive Astrology, Numerology & Tarot. Telephone appointments with Colleen are currently available within the U.S. only, though she does offer email readings worldwide. Read here for more about Colleen.

Recent Testimonial:

“The reading I had with Colleen was so accurate and (I know this is a big statement), but also absolutely life changing. In a very sensitive, kind way she explained and interpreted things that made total sense to me, confirmed my beliefs and reminded me of steps to take to proceed in a mindful, connected way. I am so thankful for her gifts and will make an appointment with her again. I highly recommend an appointment with her! :)”



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